Monday, June 04, 2007


Well many would agree our desires are rarely fulfilled. The situations we rather would avoid confront us in life without any prior notice. What we want is what we rarely get and mostly we get…..

The life that most of us hate
Is the life most of us will get
To stumble upon the bends
When the path is made up to be straight
Our feet are at sixes and sevens
When we got choices to make
To keep up with the Queue
When our hearts wish to
Step aside and break

The life we get to live in
Is the life we get to give in
Our desires and our means and
Our time to shape up our dreams
Then when we feel
We command our ways
We find the wheels in spin
And realize
Our hands stuck in clay

We gotta keep the faith
In life or in death
Till the sunshine ain`t right
The flowers ain`t blossom
In this life which we get


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